Friday, December 18, 2009

stocking update - one week left!

Alright, I'm getting close to my Christmas deadline. I have 6 more days to get this stocking complete. From the picture below, you can tell that I've spent more time developing my lil man rather than the stocking. But, I have a lot fewer steps left to complete the stocking than I have to complete my son! I had him sewing too, but he got sleepy and decided to take a nap instead. I don't have too much left to do, just have to finish sewing his name and then have to attach that and the bird to the stocking. Then, I have to add the berries, stitching and bells on the boots, Santa's right hand, the ball on top of his hat and then sew the back on... not too much, right?!

Also, check back later for a Favorite Food Friday!

Monday, December 7, 2009

stocking update

Alright, I've been working on the stocking - making some progress. I'm learning that it is hard to get started on something so detailed, I get limited time to dedicate to these projects. I am excited about how it is turning out. I construct Santa's face next, so I think that will make a big difference. So far I am done through Step 13 - that's like halfway!

And here's a picture to show you how my other "Santa" is progressing!

Monday, November 30, 2009

trying to be crafty

So, since I have all this "free-time" on my hands, I thought I would get crafty and make a stocking for Levi. I've sewn my share of buttons back on shirts, but that is about as far as my skills as a seamstress go. The stocking seemed easy enough - I can follow directions and everything is numbered.

Well, first of all, my wrist almost broke off just cutting out all of the patterns. I took a couple days off and started back up today. It's a good thing I have 24 days before Santa will be filling this stocking. I was so proud of myself until I saw the stocking that my friend Lydia made for her baby-to-be... seriously, it looks so good!!!!

Here's what I got done today - sewed on pieces 1, 3, 4 and pinned 2.

Here's what I have left - pieces 5 through 35!!!

Here's actual size (of stocking and baby)!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

how to... make your husband happy

So, I'm needing some new blog features since we have no more "hump day, bump days". I'm thinking I'll try this "how to" to share some of my expertise with all you readers. Let me know if you have any suggestions!

The first "how to" blog is quite simple - how to make your husband happy. Since this is a "little lady's" number one priority (you all know I'm kidding, right?), I thought I would share some insight into my infinite knowledge. I wouldn't say that David is simple, but I have found a simple way to make him happy. Just follow the four easy steps below for a happy hubby!

Step 1: melt 3tbsp butter and 1package of mini marshmallows in a large pot over low heat

Step 2: remove from heat, add 6cups of Rice Krispies, stir

Step 3: once well mixed, spread into 9x13 greased cake pan

Step 4: slice & serve

Sunday, November 15, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 39)

Well, we would have made it to Week 39 - but, our baby had a different idea. He decided that 38 weeks was good enough for him.

Levi Patrick Stern was born on Friday, November 6th at 6:05pm, weighing in at 6 lbs, 6 ozs and starting out 19 inches long.

We've been doing great, and had a wonderful first week together. Levi dropped weight (as is normal for newborns) and has been slowly adding it back on. He is such a sweet baby and we are so blessed.

I am happy to say that the grey tank top made it the whole way through, and has worked it's way back into normal rotation. I'll have to figure out a new post to keep you all updated with Levi's progress. But for now, here is our Week 39 / Week 1 picture.

Friday, October 23, 2009

favorite food friday

Apparently I didn't like any food in September and now for half of October - but, I'm back!

This week's feature:
FLETCHER'S CORNY DOG (via the State Fair of Texas)

I know we all have our traditions, and the State Fair is one of David's and mine. First of all, we have the hook-up to the Fair. My father-in-law is on the board and supplies us with a first class "VIP" pass that allows us free entry and parking inside the fair grounds. Like I said, the hook-up. So, once we park, we mosey (I can say "mosey", it's the Texas state fair...) through the Dodge, GMC and Ford pick-ups to arrive at Fletcher's, the ultimate corny dog stand! I have my 7 tickets ready (no need to stop at the ticket stand because David's already been to the Fair and loaded up on tickets) and I receive my annual treat. David laughs and takes pictures as I load my corny dog up with French's mustard (David can laugh and take photos because he doesn't usually partake in the corny dog mow-down, I know, he's crazy!). My corny dog is usually done and gone in 1-3 minutes depending on the internal temperature... this year I'm pretty sure it was closer to 1 minute, 30 seconds. It was good.

Our other Fair favorites (not pictured) are the ice cold Root Beer, Chocolate Covered Deep Fried Strawberries, Texas Tater Twisters and the Cinnamon Rolls (inside the food building!). I'm sure there are other things to do at the Fair - like look at animals, go on rides, watch cooking demonstrations - but, we go to eat.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 36)

Oh my goodness, I have so many good excuses to why I've been missing for weeks now. 1) we sold our house 2) we moved to an apartment 3) I'm 36 weeks pregnant - things just don't happen as fast when all these things are going on.

So, now for the updates. Everything is still going well. I had a doctor's appointment this week and she said I am progressing well and am right on track. She tried to tell me that it could happen any day now, but I told her I wasn't trying to hear that. As far as I'm concerned, I still have 4 weeks to go - maybe longer. There is so much left to get done!!

Speaking of that, my sister is going to come over this weekend and help me get the nursery together. Since we are now in a temporary permanent place, we got the crib and other furniture delivered. I put some "before" pictures down below. I'll update once we get it all done!

My cousin, Megin, had her baby yesterday. Everyone is very excited about the newest member of the family. We'll have all these little boys running around before long!



Saturday, October 10, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 34)

Better late than never!
Week 34 - can you believe how fast it has gone by? Not me!
We had a sonogram this week. It was really awesome to see how much the baby has grown and changed. They confirmed again that it was definitely still a boy, good to know! She also took all the normal measurements, he is measuring just a little ahead of schedule, about a week big. Which, the sonogram tech said is completely normal. She said the baby has to be 3 weeks off before they would consider him big or small. She estimated his weight to be 5lbs 8ozs currently. So, he is likely to be a good size boy!

Everything else is still going great. I think I've definitely "filled out" in the last couple weeks. He's still moving around quite a bit, which is always a comforting and reassuring feeling. Here's the picture for this week, still hanging in there with the grey tank top!

Check back later for my Favorite Food Friday post!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 33)

Oh my goodness, I apologize in my delay on updates. Let's see, since we've last chatted, I completed the grueling fast and 3 hour glucose test - and past. Yea! So, no worries, bring on the sugar and carbs. I've had a few doctor appointments and everything is right on track. She measured this week and we were just shy of 33 centimeters, so perfect! At our next appointment we will get to have a sonogram and hopefully get an idea about how big he is.

He's still really active. A lot of moving around from side to side. He really seems to like working out! As soon as I get on the treadmill he moves around. And, today during yoga he was all over the place. I told my trainer I'm going to just put him in a Bjorn after he's born and bring him in for the workouts. We'll see how that goes...

This past weekend my wonderful friends threw me an amazing baby shower. I need to get some pictures to post. It was so fabulous, and I am flattered to have such great supportive friends and family. I'm so glad everyone could be there to help celebrate! All the little "things" around the house now are starting to make it all seem more "real"! Gotta get ready, gotta get a name!

Alright, here's the photo for Week 33...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 31)

Several updates since last week. I went Friday for my glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I prepared as much as I thought I could. I was sure to avoid carbs as much as possible that day since my test wasn't until 4pm. I had eggs for breakfast, a sandwich with one piece of bread for lunch and I even went and workout out before my test. I thought for sure they would call to tell me that I needed to add sugar and carbs to my diet, for sure I'd rock that test and show it who's boss. I mean, seriously, I eat healthy and workout everyday. Sure I eat my share of carbs and desserts, but I guarantee you it isn't any more than the next pregnant woman!

So, the nurse calls on Monday to give me my results... I FAILED! Yes, seriously. She did say "barely", but I was too stunned to ask her what my numbers were. Immediately, I started thinking of ways the test could have been skewed and I think I figured it out. After drinking the tasty sugary liquid, you are suppose to wait 1 hour before your blood is drawn. My blood was taken 43 minutes after drinking said substance... 17 more minutes and I'm sure I would be home free. But, NO, I get to do the test again. And, we are not just talking a come in the office drink your drink and wait an hour test - we are talking no food or water after midnight come in at 9am drink a drink wait an hour draw blood and repeat two more times. Yes people - 3 hours of testing. And, did I mention that I can't eat from midnight on... seriously, that's 12 hours without food or water. Do they know that I'm pregnant?

Ok, enough about that. I did have my regular appointment with my doctor over the weekend. She said everything is still looking good. I'm still getting a gold star for my gradual weight gain. When I was in the office I had her feel around to see if she could tell how he was positioned. For the most part I had only ever felt him on my right side below the belly button. She commented on how funny it was that he was only using the one side. WELL, he heard her... because come Saturday afternoon he started moving and grooving - up, down and all around. I don't think he realized how much room he had available to him until now, and let me tell you, he is taking full advantage! My doctor told me that I would get another sonogram in several weeks to check on positioning. She said he should be settled in about another 4 weeks. I am on to appointments every two weeks now, starting to make things feel more urgent.

Well, here is this weeks picture. The tank top is starting to loose the battle. In theory, the tank top does still reach the top of my pants, but as I move around it has a tendency to creep up.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 30)

Don't be confused, I switched dates on you. My due date is on a Friday, so usually I count my weeks on the Friday before. So, last Friday 9/4 is was 29 weeks - so, I'm jumping forward to this Friday since it is closer and I'll be 30 weeks. Ya, as in "30 weeks I only have 10 left to go" 30 weeks. Kinda scary!

Everything is still going great. He is moving around even more. I haven't had any hard kicks or elbows but it is strange when I can feel him on both sides of my tummy at the same time. I guess he really is getting bigger!!! I have a check-up this week, so I'll let you know if I get any news or updates. I get to drink the yummy sugary drink this week to test for gestational diabetes. That should be fun! I just have to remember to lay off the sweets tomorrow night before my test!

Here's the picture. The grey tank top is still fitting, but the stomach is getting close to winning the battle. It should only take a few more weeks...

Monday, August 31, 2009

birthday blog: DAVID

I have been very behind on birthday blogs, so I thought I should at least get my husband's in today. I'm so lucky to be able to share my birthday with him, it really makes the day that much more special for the both of us. He is such a connoisseur of music, that I thought I would devote his birthday blog to some of his favorite bands. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday David, I love you!
David has a deep love for the Grateful Dead. I'm pretty sure the first time I met him he was wearing a tie-dye tshirt. And, we have already found a onesie for the baby. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised David hasn't hooked up headphones to my belly just streaming The Dead non-stop...
David has a saying that goes "the three best things about the South are chicken fried steak, sweet tea and The Allman Brothers Band". This was the second concert we went to after we started dating. I remember telling my dad where we were going and his response was "You mean, the same Allman Brothers that I know?" Yup, the same ones! And, I must admit, I'm a huge fan now too.
I'm pretty sure if David could pick one rock-star to transform into for a day it would be Diamond David Lee Roth. Remember when I wrote this? Ya, David's been a fan for a long time...
I - I can't think of an "I", so I'm using this letter for WIDESPREAD PANIC
Seriously, if you can think of an "I", I'll change it.
One of the things I've grown to understand over the years is that David does not like to mix business with pleasure. And, as a matter of fact, I wasn't invited to a WSP concert for the first year or so of David and I dating. To him, Panic is business and serious business - and until we were serious he didn't want to mix the two. He has been to so many Panic concerts that I could not begin to comprehend, and I love the fact that he can still recall every show and every setlist.

Ha ha, got you on that one! It's true, he loves Dr. Dre. Even though his hip-hop library was limited before he met me, he's always had love for the D-R-E.

Friday, August 28, 2009

to my surprise...

I walked into the office this morning, like any other morning, and met all my co-workers in the rotunda for our Friday morning pep-rally. Not like every other morning, people started wishing me Happy Birthday - but my birthday's not until Monday. Strange, but nice, I thought. But, then it all made sense when I made it to my desk...

This is the scene I was faced with.
Oh yes, those are black balloons.

Oh yes, those are black streamers - around my monitor.

Oh yes, that's confetti - everywhere!

And Oh yes, there is a ginormous "30" balloon for all to see, a button for me to wear that says "30 it's The BIG One!" and that sucker that says "30 Sucks". I love it, all of it. They got me good! Now, I have to keep it looking like this to last through Monday...

favorite food friday

Little Debbie is no friend of mine, actually she is a frienemy...

For so many years she's been there, like a friend - similing at me with her little red curls and hat on the box cover. But, only an enemy would entice you over and over again with her delicious, not-so-healthy treats (remember the witch who tempted Snow White with that poisonous apple???). She does, however, provide comfort like a friend. When I was in London, Dad would send me care packages and I could always count on a new box of Little Debbies - and they were perfection. So, maybe she's actually the best kind of friend to have... always happy, supportive, able to provide instant gratification and most importantly there to teach you self control and will-power! I love you Little Debbie!

I must say, there's not a Little Debbie snack that I would turn down - from the Zebra Cakes, Fudge Brownies, Swiss Cake Rolls, Star Crunch, Fudge Rounds, Oatmeal Creme Pies... oh lordy this list could go on forever. But, my top two favorites of all time are the Nutty Bars and Peanut Butter Bars. I have to thank my father for beginning the obession at an early age. He would always have an assortment of no fewer than 4 different snack boxes, and he'd always have either Nutty Bars or Peanut Butter Bars (I think they are his favorite too)!

This week, my loving husband did the grocery shopping (which he's been doing for a while now, love you!). And, he's always great with surprises. So, our treat this week has been Nutty Bars!!! He's knows better than to get them all the time, because I'm pretty sure I don't have the self-control or will-power to refrain and say no time and time again. But, I have really enjoyed them - there's only 1 pack left - and love the occasional treat!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 27)

Okay people, I have absolutely no news this week. In this case, no news is good news. Everything is still fabulous and feeling good. We had a fun active weekend, more to follow on that. Have a good week!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 26)

I'm starting to loose count, it's a good thing I'm keeping track here...

Not much new to report this week. I've decided I'll wear my gray tank until my tummy is just hanging out, which might not be too far in the future. You'll also notice I'm wearing my fabulous jeans that I scored from Ebay! The baby is definitely moving around a lot, and getting to the point where I can see him (not just feel him). I must admit, it is a little weird. Oh, I did get some things done since last week! I got us all signed up for day care and on the waiting list, so he will get to be just downstairs where I work. I'll get to see him anytime I want during the day. And, we got his furniture ordered over the weekend! So, things are starting to come together.

Friday, August 14, 2009

favorite food friday

Let's not joke around - there are cupcakes, and then there are Sprinkles cupcakes. Sure, you may know a place in your neighborhood that makes darn good cupcakes - and sure, they may cost less than $3.25. But, when you decide to come clean and tell yourself the truth, it's hard to beat a Sprinkles cupcake. I'm a fan of all flavors, but I must say that my #1 pick is the Vanilla Milk Chocolate. It is amazing - vanilla cake, chocolate cream cheese frosting and chocolate sprinkles!!! One thing I appreciate about Sprinkles is that they don't over do it, no crazy concoctions or flavors and the cream cheese frosting sets it off perfectly.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 25)

OMG, I can't believe I have left you guys without a belly picture for six weeks!! I do apologize. Everything has been going great. I'm still feeling good and keeping up with my workouts. I had a doctor's visit this week and she said I was making it look easy. And, that is certainly my goal! He has been moving around like crazy. The books say that this is when you will feel the baby the most because they have extra room inside to move around. I'm still trying to figure out how this baby is going to grow to full size and there still be room for my organs inside my body. All the organs already feel all smushed up... oh, I have lots to look forward to!

To everyone's disappointment, we still have not selected or revealed any baby names. I promise we will have a name when he gets here. And Jaime, we are considering releasing the initials to you.

I have finally realized that it is time for me to get in gear and get some stuff done. When I realized that we are just 3 1/2 months away my sense of urgency kicked in! So, today I got enrolled in the day care and I plan on ordering the furniture this weekend.

I don't think you will be disappointed, the belly has definitely grown since the last time you saw it! And, I hope to never to leave you hanging again! You'll have to compare this photo to Week 18, I'm wearing the same outfit.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

celebrating early

In a few short weeks, I will be turning the corner to a new decade... the 30's. It sounds scary, but with so many other life altering changes going on I'm not too worried about it. We started the celebrations early with a Girls Weekend.

My mom, sister and I spent the weekend lounging and relaxing at the Four Seasons. It was such a treat just to get to spend the weekend with them, let alone at the Four Seasons! We have a beautiful villa right off the pool. We spent many hours working on our tan. Here are the ladies that made it all happen!
Saturday morning we went for mani/pedi treatments. We found this Hawaiian-themed salon that was wonderful. Jaime and I both got the Cucumber Pedicures and Mom got the Aloe Pedicure. They used an all natural masque on our legs, covered them with cooling cucumber slices and then wrapped them up to soak. It was fabulous! Then, we got the Grapefruit Manicure. We soaked our cuticles for several minutes in the grapefruits and then they completed the rest of the manicure. We loved the place and have promised to meet back up there in the future!

Saturday night, some of my bestest girlfriends joined us for dinner. The food was delicious, the company was even better! Lindsey brought like 500 hundred different cupcakes and I'm pretty sure we ate about 450 of them. They were all so yummy, even though the vote was split for which shop had the best red velvet. I had such a wonderful weekend and feel so blessed to have such great friends and family to celebrate with! Thanks to all you wonderful ladies for celebrating with me!

Friday, July 31, 2009

vacation wrap-up

Hi people! So, here's what we did on the rest of vacation. Really it was just a repeat of the first half - more beach, more food, more shopping... nothing wrong with that! But, on Wednesday night we went to this great bar/concert venue in Dewey Beach called the Bottle & Cork. We got to see Donavan Frankenreiter - I missed him the only time he was in Dallas, so I was really excited to get to see him finally. He put on a great show, a lot of fun!
Speaking of food - I have to highlight my absolute favorites, like we go all year craving these moments on vacation.
Grotto's Pizza - it's so good! We figured out that their trick is to put the sauce on top of the cheese, so yummy!!!

And, of course more Royal Treat. I had a vision the night before for the absolute perfect sundae, and the nice boy at the counter executed it perfectly! It started with lining the glass in caramel, adding a few peanuts, scoops of vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, more peanuts, whip cream delux and a cherry on top! Don't I look so excited!? :)

Can't wait til next year!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

vacation update

Hi everyone! I know it's been forever since I've posted, there has been a lot going on. I'll catch you up on everything eventually, but for now I'm on vacation. So, I thought I would give you a glimpse of what I've been up to so far while on vacation. We are in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Dela-where? Yes, Delaware. David's family is from the area and visit here every year. It is a great little beach town on the East Coast with so much to do and see - even if you are just doing nothing. Which, isn't that what vacation is all about any way?

So, of course we've been to the beach. I love all the different colors of umbrellas. I don't really get into the water here, it's really cold and I can't see my feet...

Yes, we've been shopping. I got these really cute new flip flops and some awesome baby clothes (I love the little tie onesie!!!).

And, oh my, have we been eating. We've had most of our annual favorites so far, but there is still time to squeeze more in. I'm only allowed to eat seafood a couple times, so I didn't partake in the crab feast last night, but I did participate by helping my husband pick crab. I've also had plenty of ice cream while I've been here, it's just part of the fun!!! This is a yummy hot fudge sundae from Royal Treat, I think I'll have to treat myself to another one before we head home!
Yesterday we went to the movie and saw Harry Potter, it was a rainy day. And, we've been watching the Tour De France every morning. It's nice to be on vacation watching it, we really have time to get into it. We've got lots more planned, just wanted to give you an update. Off to the beach...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

way behind...

I'm falling behind on updates. And, I actually have stuff to update you on! Here is a preview of posts to come. Our internet is out at the house for a few days while we are under crazy renovations, so as soon as it is up and running again I'll get you the full stories...

I was ready for favorite food friday, but I couldn't get the post to update on my phone. Here's a taste...

Here's one thing I did this weekend...

And another...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 19)

Let me just start by saying, if you're not watching So You Think You Can Dance right now - you should be. It's awesome!

Okay, here we are, coming right up on the official half-way mark. Not much to report this week. I definitely feel bigger this week. I spent Tuesday afternoon walking around the mall while competitive shopping for work (yes, I promise it counts as work) and by the end of the day my belly felt so heavy.

I found out this week that another one of my sorority pledge sisters is pregnant. That's three of us in this small circle less than a month apart. Laura told me that she is also expecting a boy, so I'll be anxious to hear when Lydia finds out - it would be too funny if we were all having boys! We will definitely have to set up some play dates!

Monday, June 29, 2009

my first ebay auction!

I am so skeptical about ebay. You never know if what you are bidding on is legit. But, tonight, I went for it!!!

Since the inception of designer maternity jeans, I wanted to own a pair when I became pregnant. If you know me, even slightly, you know I don't easily part with money. I can somewhat justify my other designer jeans because I get to wear them over and over. Also, I'm pretty sure every pair of jeans I have bought have been discounted, like from Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale or some such event. Anyway, I just haven't been able to justify paying $200 for a pair of jeans that I will only be able to wear 4, maybe 5 months.

So, because of this, I turned to ebay. They have tons of jeans and maternity jeans available for really good prices. Most of the auctions I watched came and went with the bidders going way too close to the original price for me to even consider it. Until today! One pair that I had been watching had no bids and ended tonight! So, with David's excellent ebay bidding skills I won the jeans for a fraction of the price. They are brand new with the tags still on them, I can't believe no one else snatched them up! I can't wait to get them in, aren't they cute? They are Citizens of Humanity - which were my first designer jeans purchase in normal sizes too!

Friday, June 26, 2009

favorite food friday

Alright - this is a throwback edition, get excited.

Like most kids, when given freedom of my dietary selections, I selected items high in nutritional content - just not the nutritional content that is good for you... (details). What I am giving you today is my daily lunch menu while I was in the 5th grade. Let me also explain to you that I was 5'6" by this point already, so I'm sure the extra calories were equally distributed through my growing body.

Beverage of choice: Mountain Dew
This was a great option for a 10-year-old who had an afternoon class schedule of reading, history and spelling. Mountain Dew contains 55 grams of caffeine, the clear winner when compared to the weaker 34 gram Coca-Cola.

Main Course: Andy Capp's Hot Fries
Seriously, for as long as I can remember, I challenge my mouth to a heat-match - just to see how much I can handle. Just this week I ate a sandwich covered in jalapeno peppers while eating jalapeno flavored chips, it was terrific. But, I can still remember the building heat that would occur in my mouth as I ate the Hot Fries one-by-one until the bag was empty. Do they still sale those? I'm getting some.

And for Dessert: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pie
Not ever a fan of the TMNTs, but always a fan of a fried pie! The Ninja Turtle Pie was simply a fried pie filled with custard, but covered with the sugary frosting (and yes, it was green). I can still taste it, I'm pretty sure that was the best part of the day. Well, that and staring at all the dreamy 6th grade boys in the morning.

Happy Friday!