Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 33)

Oh my goodness, I apologize in my delay on updates. Let's see, since we've last chatted, I completed the grueling fast and 3 hour glucose test - and past. Yea! So, no worries, bring on the sugar and carbs. I've had a few doctor appointments and everything is right on track. She measured this week and we were just shy of 33 centimeters, so perfect! At our next appointment we will get to have a sonogram and hopefully get an idea about how big he is.

He's still really active. A lot of moving around from side to side. He really seems to like working out! As soon as I get on the treadmill he moves around. And, today during yoga he was all over the place. I told my trainer I'm going to just put him in a Bjorn after he's born and bring him in for the workouts. We'll see how that goes...

This past weekend my wonderful friends threw me an amazing baby shower. I need to get some pictures to post. It was so fabulous, and I am flattered to have such great supportive friends and family. I'm so glad everyone could be there to help celebrate! All the little "things" around the house now are starting to make it all seem more "real"! Gotta get ready, gotta get a name!

Alright, here's the photo for Week 33...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 31)

Several updates since last week. I went Friday for my glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I prepared as much as I thought I could. I was sure to avoid carbs as much as possible that day since my test wasn't until 4pm. I had eggs for breakfast, a sandwich with one piece of bread for lunch and I even went and workout out before my test. I thought for sure they would call to tell me that I needed to add sugar and carbs to my diet, for sure I'd rock that test and show it who's boss. I mean, seriously, I eat healthy and workout everyday. Sure I eat my share of carbs and desserts, but I guarantee you it isn't any more than the next pregnant woman!

So, the nurse calls on Monday to give me my results... I FAILED! Yes, seriously. She did say "barely", but I was too stunned to ask her what my numbers were. Immediately, I started thinking of ways the test could have been skewed and I think I figured it out. After drinking the tasty sugary liquid, you are suppose to wait 1 hour before your blood is drawn. My blood was taken 43 minutes after drinking said substance... 17 more minutes and I'm sure I would be home free. But, NO, I get to do the test again. And, we are not just talking a come in the office drink your drink and wait an hour test - we are talking no food or water after midnight come in at 9am drink a drink wait an hour draw blood and repeat two more times. Yes people - 3 hours of testing. And, did I mention that I can't eat from midnight on... seriously, that's 12 hours without food or water. Do they know that I'm pregnant?

Ok, enough about that. I did have my regular appointment with my doctor over the weekend. She said everything is still looking good. I'm still getting a gold star for my gradual weight gain. When I was in the office I had her feel around to see if she could tell how he was positioned. For the most part I had only ever felt him on my right side below the belly button. She commented on how funny it was that he was only using the one side. WELL, he heard her... because come Saturday afternoon he started moving and grooving - up, down and all around. I don't think he realized how much room he had available to him until now, and let me tell you, he is taking full advantage! My doctor told me that I would get another sonogram in several weeks to check on positioning. She said he should be settled in about another 4 weeks. I am on to appointments every two weeks now, starting to make things feel more urgent.

Well, here is this weeks picture. The tank top is starting to loose the battle. In theory, the tank top does still reach the top of my pants, but as I move around it has a tendency to creep up.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 30)

Don't be confused, I switched dates on you. My due date is on a Friday, so usually I count my weeks on the Friday before. So, last Friday 9/4 is was 29 weeks - so, I'm jumping forward to this Friday since it is closer and I'll be 30 weeks. Ya, as in "30 weeks I only have 10 left to go" 30 weeks. Kinda scary!

Everything is still going great. He is moving around even more. I haven't had any hard kicks or elbows but it is strange when I can feel him on both sides of my tummy at the same time. I guess he really is getting bigger!!! I have a check-up this week, so I'll let you know if I get any news or updates. I get to drink the yummy sugary drink this week to test for gestational diabetes. That should be fun! I just have to remember to lay off the sweets tomorrow night before my test!

Here's the picture. The grey tank top is still fitting, but the stomach is getting close to winning the battle. It should only take a few more weeks...