For the longest time, I had a favorite addiction - all things Twilight. We're talking reading and re-reading the book series, checking every website for RobStew sightings and listening to the movie soundtrack nonstop.
Then I got pregnant and my addiction changed to all things "baby". How is the baby growing and developing this week? How should I decorate the nursery? What are we going to name the kid? Y'all know, I blogged about it every week (okay, okay I missed a few weeks here and there).
So, now that the bambino is here, I was in need of a new addiction. The crazy thing is, I didn't even know that anything was missing from my life. I found plenty everyday to keep me busy, how would I have time for anything else? Then, one day, during an innocent coversation with my friend Lindsey she tells me about this new iPhone app that I just have to get, "Words With Friends".

The addiction developed slowly - I started with just one game with Lindsey. Then, I found myself reaching out to strangers just to get more games! Addiction at it's best! What did I do next? I spread my addiction out to other friends and family. Before long I had everyone doing it. Now, I have at least six games going at all times. That may not seem like much to some of you "pros" out there, but I've got a lot going on right now - six games is a big deal! I'll play any chance I get - walking to my desk after dropping Levi off, while I'm feeding Levi (I have to take breaks when he wants to burp), and sometimes at red lights (no worries, I don't play while driving, that would be WAY too dangerous!).
I'm writing this post to warn you about addictions - this is not an intervention, in this case, I'm the bad influence. If you don't have "Words With Friends" on your iPhone - GET IT. If you already have it - start a game with me "Jennifer Stern".
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