Friday, April 17, 2009

favorite food friday

Blue Bell Cookies 'n Cream Ice Cream

I really could leave it at that and it would be enough said.

But I won't.

First, let's talk about the significance of Blue Bell. It's like an institution here in Texas. I mean, even former President George W. had it flown into the White House. That is some serious business.

Second, how could you go wrong when you mix the best ever vanilla ice cream with Oreos? You can't.

I know my husband would argue that the Homemade Vanilla is the best, and my step-father and brother-in-law would vote for Natural Vanilla Bean - but, don't let them fool you. I will admit that I rarely buy the ice cream, only because I have no self-control. I could eat the entire gallon in like two sittings. And, that's probably not the healthiest thing to do. But, when Kroger surprises me with those little yellow sale tags I take it as a sign and buy, buy, buy!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

birthday blog: DAD (GLENN)

So, today is my dad's birthday!!! I won't tell you how old he is, but it is a BIG birthday! I'm going to be 30 this year, and he is like double that - oh, did that just give it away? Sorry Dad. Anyway, here is a list of a few of the things that my dad loves!

Sure, he has 5 really awesome kids - but we have all been replaced by the grandkids.

I really wanted to use the "L" for "Little Debbies", because we all know how much Dad loves Little Debbies. But, I went for landscaping instead. Growing up, we were all forced to work in the garden planting something. Not that we didn't appreciate that garden - BTW Dad, when are you gonna make some more pickles? See, he teaches when we are young and don't know any better...

Well, it is only fitting that he loves engineering, since it is his job. But truthfully, I've never know someone who has more passion and love for their job than Dad.

This one may be the best one. Seriously, Dad has a nickname for everyone of any importance in his life. I'll just run through the kids nicknames just as an example:
Jason B - epod (backwards for dope)
Jason E - smelliott (last name is elliott)
Jaime - Bo (hmm, guess it's just short for Jaimbo)
Eric - Harold (a mistake that just stuck)
Jennifer - Four (short for four-eyes)
N - NOLAN RYAN (and all things Rangers)
Dad loves the Texas Rangers. I can remember going to the games as a kid and Dad running through the line-up. He had nicknames for all the players too...


Sunday, April 12, 2009

happy easter!

A few of my favorites - Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

favorite food friday

I've decided to start a new feature here at jenniferisbored, it is called "favorite food friday". In an attempt to keep my readers entertained, this will guarantee at least one post a week (hey, it's a start). And, I figure I've got enough favorite foods to last a lifetime of Fridays! So, here goes...

Now, I've had my share of hamburger sliced fried pickles from Hooters, Razoo's, The Counter (to name a few) - but, I loosely refer to these as fried pickles. They've got nothing on Texas Land & Cattle's Fried Pickles. Allow me to break it down...

1. TXLC uses only the finest dill pickle spears (not chips)!
2. TXLC uses some kind of super-secret recipe for their fried coating, yummy & peppery!
3. TXLC could serve these pickles with no dipping sauce and they'd still be amazing, but no - they serve them with this a-mazing bar-b-que ranch. Seriously, it's awesome.

I'll admit - when these pickles hit the table I should allow them the normal cooling time for any fried appetizer, but I can't resist - and yes, I burn my mouth every time. But, it's worth it!!!
(this picture doesn't do them justice...)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

pet peeves...

Being a Type-A person, I recognize that I have many pet peeves. So many that I am able to break them into categories…

Please Pull up to the Line
– It annoys the heck out of me when people come to a stop light but leave like an entire cars length between their car and the line that indicates where you should stop. What’s the deal with that? Sometimes I just want to back my car into that space just to show them how much room they’ve left.
Left Lane Chatters – first of all, if you are not going the speed limit or above please don’t enter the left lane. Secondly, if you are going to answer your phone and drop your speed 10mph, don’t enter the left lane. If you insist on using your phone in the left lane, maintain your speed and use an ear piece.
Four-way Cheaters – seriously, everyone knows the rules at the four way stop. Wait your turn!
School Zone Speeders – Is your job/life so important that you can’t take the extra 20 seconds to SLOW DOWN in the school zone?

Personal Space Please
– When I’m at the soda fountains filling up my cup, it is really necessary for you to barge in and use the neighboring spout? Seriously, I’ll be done in like 30 seconds and it is all yours. Thanks.
Gym Girls – Sure, I don’t take off my wedding ring when I’m working out. But really, how can you work out in your costume jewelry? And with your hair hanging down your back? I promise guys will think you are a lot hotter if you are actually working out at the gym.
Grocery Store Guidelines – Is it me, or do you assume that traffic rules apply to the grocery store lanes? I’m very conscious of this while I’m shopping, and am sure to stay on the right side of the aisle. Other people, not so much. How I am suppose to get past when both of you are hogging the aisle headed the same direction? Courtesy please.

(Please let me say that in no way are any of these statements meant to offend anyone. If you do or wear any of these things, I apologize – just one girls opinion)
Socks with Sandals – Don’t do it, EVER.
Capris – Sorry, I know a lot of people love them, they just bug me.
Knee High Boots with Bare Legs – Don’t know what it is, just don’t like it.
White High Heels – Just can’t do it.

I’m sure there are many, many more things that truly bug me. I’ll just have to add them on as I think of them. These were just the ones on the top of my mind.

Friday, April 3, 2009

animal crackers?

Why are they called Animal Crackers? Shouldn't they be Animal Cookies?
I understand they are created with layered dough technically making them crackers. But they are so sweet and yummy, like cookies. And, the song - Animal Crackers in my Soup... would you ever put animal crackers in your soup? I would not - I can't imagine that this would be good. Anyway, just my two cents. So sorry, the bag is gone and I have none left to share.

David sent me this picture to add to today's post. This is proof that everyone views animal crackers as cookies. When would you ever see a 3 year-old mowing a box of crackers? You wouldn't - but cookies? Oh ya...