Tuesday, April 14, 2009

birthday blog: DAD (GLENN)

So, today is my dad's birthday!!! I won't tell you how old he is, but it is a BIG birthday! I'm going to be 30 this year, and he is like double that - oh, did that just give it away? Sorry Dad. Anyway, here is a list of a few of the things that my dad loves!

Sure, he has 5 really awesome kids - but we have all been replaced by the grandkids.

I really wanted to use the "L" for "Little Debbies", because we all know how much Dad loves Little Debbies. But, I went for landscaping instead. Growing up, we were all forced to work in the garden planting something. Not that we didn't appreciate that garden - BTW Dad, when are you gonna make some more pickles? See, he teaches when we are young and don't know any better...

Well, it is only fitting that he loves engineering, since it is his job. But truthfully, I've never know someone who has more passion and love for their job than Dad.

This one may be the best one. Seriously, Dad has a nickname for everyone of any importance in his life. I'll just run through the kids nicknames just as an example:
Jason B - epod (backwards for dope)
Jason E - smelliott (last name is elliott)
Jaime - Bo (hmm, guess it's just short for Jaimbo)
Eric - Harold (a mistake that just stuck)
Jennifer - Four (short for four-eyes)
N - NOLAN RYAN (and all things Rangers)
Dad loves the Texas Rangers. I can remember going to the games as a kid and Dad running through the line-up. He had nicknames for all the players too...


1 comment:

jaime said...

Great post Jenn!!! It's perfect...Love you DAD!!!