So, the 25 Random Things List has been going around Facebook - and I finally gave in and made my list. I had a really good response, so I thought I would share it here. Who knew I was so interesting??? Oh, I did! By popular demand, here it is...
1. I'm Random - that's why this list will be easy for me. Mostly I think I'm random b/c my brain moves faster than my body does, it's hard to keep up some times.
2. I'm Loyal - I've been at the same company since the day I graduated college. (JCP)
3. I'm a Mover - While I've been at JCP for almost 8 years, I've had 6 different jobs and 12 different desks.
4. I'm ADD - I just got distracted by the TV... and it was a commercial!
5. I'm an Addict - to TV, I watch and Tivo all these shows: Heroes, The Bachelor, Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, The Biggest Loser, Dirty Sexy Money, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Ugly Better, American Idol, Kath & Kim, Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Extreme Makeover Home Edition
6. I'm Obsessive - for real: I love John Mayer, I've been to (about) 20 concerts since 2001. I have a JM poster at my desk at work - next to the picture of John and me.
7. I'm Hooked - most recently to Twilight. David would probably put this in my "obsessive" category. I swear I talk about it everyday, but it will fade (after all the movies finally come out, then the DVDs... okay, it could last for awhile).
8. I'm a Lister - as you can tell, I love lists. I'm actually surprised I didn't do this a lot sooner. I make all sorts of lists at work, and I love when I can mark things off.
9. I'm an Aunt - one of my favorite things! I have a mild infatuation with all of my nieces and nephews, they rock my world - I love them all and can never get enough of them.
10. I'm a Neat-Freak - even if things aren't necessarily clean, they have to be picked up and in order.
11. I'm OCD - works back to 10, but going further. My closet is hung by sleeve length, color, end-use... makes it very easy to get dressed in the morning. And, I never leave hangers, they come out when the shirt does.
12. I'm Blonde - I tried to go back to natural (light brown/dirty blonde), it lasted for 3 months and just changed over the weekend!!!!
13. I'm a Perfectionist - it's really pretty annoying, I'm for sure my biggest critic, I need to get over it.
14. I'm (almost) 30 - will be this year, doesn't really freak me out - it is more just realizing that I'm going to be 30, but I still rock.
15. I'm a Runner - believe it or not! After 1 day of track practice in HS I thought I would die. Now I usually run about 3 miles a day - everyday at lunch!
16. I'm a Creature of Habit - I eat the exact same thing for breakfast and lunch EVERY DAY during the week. And, every Sunday David and I go to the Pancake House and I get the same thing every week.
17. I'm Married - and in love with my husband, really he rocks my world. It will be 4 years next month and he's the best thing that ever happened to me.
18. I'm Cheesy - because I write things like that above that my husband will kill me for.
19. I'm Mean - I find humor in people getting hurt, it's true. America's Funniest Home Video cracks me up!!!!
20. I'm a Picture Taker - I don't think anyone else in the family carries a camera anymore. Especially since they can go to my website anytime to get them. I love pictures, can never have enough!!!
21. I'm almost done... four more....
22. I'm a Procrastinator - it kind of goes against everything that I'm about, but I put stuff off if it isn't high on the priority list.
23. I'm Punctual - to a fault. Ask David, it annoys him, but I can't stand to be late.
24. I'm secretly British - I have to be! I'm in love with everything about England! Love the flag, love the country, love the people, love the styling, love the accent, I even flippin love fish n chips!!!!
25. I'm a Traveler - I've been to 9 countries outside of the US: England, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy
****EDITS BELOW: so, my sister texted me to let me know that I had left some very important points off the list. And, since I'm a perfectionist, I had to come fix it.
26. I'm Cheap - it's true too. I pulled this back around to why I write lists... Jaime said that she doesn't even write a grocery list. And, I realized I do, but mostly to save money and only get what I NEED.
27. I'm a Returner - this goes back to being cheap. But, I do return about 60% of clothes I buy. Jaime said 90%, but I'm thinking she exaggerated.
28. I'm a Bad Speller - I just had to look up how to spell exaggerate. In 6th grade my only B was in Spelling (my brother will leave a comment making fun of me for this).
29. I'm a Googler - I Google EVERYTHING, I flippin love Google.