So, you may have noticed that I've been gone for a while. I created this blog as a creative outlet and to fill some time when I'm bored. Unfortunately, for the past several weeks, I have not found myself to be very bored whatsoever. In an effort to regain your bloggy friendship, I will tell you what I've been up to. Hopefully, these excuses, I mean reasons, will help you to forgive me. I missed you all - promise!
#1: I've been growing a person...
Yes people, it's true. I'm with child, knocked-up, expecting, preggo - I'm pregnant! For the last 15 weeks I've been very busy with this task. Any of you who have done this type of thing before know how exhausting this is!!!
#2: I've been cleaning...
So, because of reason #1, we are considering moving. In preparation, we've been cleaning like mad. And by cleaning, I mean purging every unnecessary item! This pictures is just from the guest bedroom. All this stuff was either under the bed or in the tiny closet. For the past 5 years I have been complaining that we don't have any storage room in this house - now I'm beginning to think I just have way too much crap. I still have to filter through this stuff, I just had to get it out in the open.
#3: I've been trying to sell some of my crap...
I took a trunk-full of clothes and such to the local resale shop hoping to make a few dollars. They only took like 10 items, but I got $60. I'm chalking that up as a win - now I'll just donate the rest!
#4: I've been doing laundry...
Seriously, does it ever stop? Just when I think I'm done I turn around and see more.
Is that good enough? Am I forgiven?