So, I originally created this blog because I was bored and needed something to do. At the time I thought "wow, I have so much to write about, I'll always have a topic". Fast forward to right now... I'm sitting here, bored, wondering how to fill the last hour of this day. I've read all of msnbc (can't get the gossip sites) and re-read all my daily blogs, and thought "now what". Since I'm bored, I figured I should utilize my "jennifer is bored" blog, but I don't really have anything to say. I wonder if this blog is boring you guys...
I could talk about salsa. The fact that for some reason I can never leave any on the table, each bowl must be finished. I actually sent the waitress for more last night after I was finished with my meal - what was I thinking? I don't really even like tortilla chips, they are just the vessel that carries the beloved salsa to my mouth. Eh, a little sick just thinking about it.
I could talk about the weather. It's a little crazy right now. It is reminding me a little bit of Wizard of Oz, you know, right before the tornado hits. I'm so glad I have nothing to do this weekend so that I can just watch this crazy weather from the comforts of my sofa.
Hmm...that's about all I can think of. Pretty boring. Another 57 minutes to go.
10 years ago