Friday, March 27, 2009


So, I originally created this blog because I was bored and needed something to do. At the time I thought "wow, I have so much to write about, I'll always have a topic". Fast forward to right now... I'm sitting here, bored, wondering how to fill the last hour of this day. I've read all of msnbc (can't get the gossip sites) and re-read all my daily blogs, and thought "now what". Since I'm bored, I figured I should utilize my "jennifer is bored" blog, but I don't really have anything to say. I wonder if this blog is boring you guys...

I could talk about salsa. The fact that for some reason I can never leave any on the table, each bowl must be finished. I actually sent the waitress for more last night after I was finished with my meal - what was I thinking? I don't really even like tortilla chips, they are just the vessel that carries the beloved salsa to my mouth. Eh, a little sick just thinking about it.

I could talk about the weather. It's a little crazy right now. It is reminding me a little bit of Wizard of Oz, you know, right before the tornado hits. I'm so glad I have nothing to do this weekend so that I can just watch this crazy weather from the comforts of my sofa.

Hmm...that's about all I can think of. Pretty boring. Another 57 minutes to go.

Monday, March 23, 2009

twilight forever (or until new moon)...

What do you get when you combine 14 TwiHard ladies with
1 Pocket Edward?
1 Hale of a party (enough to make Alice proud)!!!!
(you'll only get that if you too are indeed a TwiHard)

The Robsession runs in the family!

So, unless you've been under a rock for the past 6 months or so, you know that Twilight came out on DVD this past Saturday. When the release date was first announced, my sister and I knew that we had to have a watching party in her new theater room. (great incentive to get the house finished) As soon as she could, she pre-ordered her DVD. Last Thursday she got an email that her DVD had shipped, she would be getting it early on Friday - not so much. (happy to report that she did finally get it today in the mail) Plan B - we knew we needed to get another copy of the DVD. Since I didn't dare go out Friday night with the crazies (yes, I'm a fan, but midnight is late), I set my alarm for 7:45 Saturday morning (so against the rules!). I rolled into Target and snatched my copy. The guy at the checkout had apparently been under that rock I mentioned before. At 8:15 he admitted that everyone had bought this movie so far and wondered "what the deal was". Anyway, the party went off without a hitch and we had a fabulous time. We've all penciled in 11/20/09 to meet up for New Moon...

Yes, you're allowed to be jealous of this cake - it rocked!

Everyone settling in for the movie!

P.S. Edward is not part of the cake, he just wanted in on the action.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

four years

How do you define four years?
  • the length of time you spent in high school?
  • the length of time you spent in college?
  • the length of term served as the President of the USA?
  • the length of time it took Michelangelo to paint the ceiling at the Sistine Chapel?

I define the last four years as the best time of my life. Four years ago today I married my husband, David. Therefore, today’s post is dedicated to four of the reasons that I love him!

1. He’s Fun!
And by fun, I mean the kind of uncle that will bury you in the sand, or ask you to smell his cake and then smear frosting on your nose. Or the kind of guy who roots for his favorite teams and gets you into the games too. Or the kind of guy who actually has his own Pimp Cup, just because he’s cool like that.

2. He’s not jealous of John!
And believe you me, he could be. John adorns my walls at work, my iPhone screen and fills up my iPod and car CD changer. But actually, my husband encourages this behavior (and for that, I love him). He takes me to every concert in the state and even a few out-of-state. And, it is clear from this photo that John wants me – so he could be jealous!
3. He gives great surprises!
We have a rule every year that we are not going to buy each other Christmas presents – that never happens. Not only does he get me gifts, but the best gifts ever! This year he surprised me with a cruise, we left the next day!! And, it’s not just big things. Once when he went to Houston, we was thoughtful enough to bring me back the black & white cookies that I love!

4. He’s the anti-Jennifer
I know it sounds odd, but I’m so glad he’s my opposite. He is so easy-going and level-headed. He knows just what to say to bring me back down and keep me sane.
Happy Anniversary David!
And they lived happily ever after...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

birthday blog: MICAH

Micah is my sweet niece that turns 2 years old tomorrow! In her two short years, she has grown so much and developed such a sweet personality. She is such a smart little girl. It is so fun now that she is talking and can communicate with us. This post is dedicated to Micah and some of the things that she loves.

Micah ♥s Mickey Mouse!!! Her birthday party is even going to be Mickey themed. Apparently she loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and will sing and dance along!

Okay, this one really wasn't easy. Of course she doesn't like Iguanas - she really loves puppy dogs!!!! I have never seen this kid smile so much as when she is around dogs. I got her some cute little washable puppies for Christmas and she has fun playing with those too.

This is one of the best pictures ever! There is no joy like getting chocolate chip cookie all over your face, good stuff!

It's true! We're good pals, and now she can even say my name!

Once when I was over at Jason and Stefani's I had kicked off my shoes when I came in. It didn't take Micah two minutes to find my high heels and start prancing around. I was very impressed with her ability to get around so well. Stefani said she has had a lot of practice in her shoes!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICAH!!! Here are some of the best "oldie but goodie" photos of Micah!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, while watching TV today I saw a commercial for THIS. The commercial started with "flat hair is so last year"... yes, I was immediately intrigued. After about 4 minutes of before and after pictures (see below), I couldn't believe that someone would actually pay $19.99 for two of these. Sure, sure you get a ton of free extra stuff for the $19.99 - but, do these really work better than the old school days of a teasing comb and Aussie hairspray? If I remember correctly, we got some pretty fierce height in our bangs without this extra bumpit comb.

Oh well, guess my hair will just be "so last year".

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Some times a picture can inspire you, this is one such picture. I'm not sure what it inspires me to do, but I do know that it flippin' rocks! Seriously, have you ever seen a better picture? This picture was taken following Macy's first soccer game. She did a great job at the game - tended the goal, ran after the ball and even got to kick it in once. Here's a few photos from the day - all good, but not quite as awesome as the first one.

Macy showing her skills on the field!

Micah chasing after the soccer ball - okay, she was just running from me.

Macy was a rock star - look, her cheeks are even a little flushed!

Friday, March 6, 2009

spring cleaning...

It's not unusual for me to get a strong urge to clean. I'm kind of "Monica" in that way. So, today I decided I really needed to clean my bathroom cabinets. I seriously threw away almost entire trash bag worth of stuff. Not really sure how all that junk was fitting under there anyway. The reason this is interesting to you is because I found some random stuff to show you! In the guest bathroom I had all my old makeup in boxes, I threw most of it away - but not before I took a picture of this beautiful eye shadow.
This photo may not do it justice. This was navy blue and cotton candy pink eyeshadow. I say "was" because it is now on its way to a landfill. I asked myself two questions when I found this - 1) Why would I have ever bought this? 2) Why would I keep moving it with me over and over? I'm pretty sure my mom bought this shadow and gave it to me when she came to her senses, but should I be offended that my mom would think I would like and wear this? I can't explain why I've had it so long - something about wondering if it would ever come into style. It won't! Here's what else I found.That's like 150 thousand buttons - no idea what they each go to. Chances are I don't have most of the clothes that these buttons match back to. But all this junk is gone, and my bathrooms are cleaned out. Success. I'll start with the kitchen tomorrow, then the closets on Sunday. Who knows what else I'll find...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

new playlist

It's the small things that make me happy. Not BIG things - like dramatic reality shows i.e. the fabricated ending to The Bachelor, the "to be continued..." ending to The Biggest Loser last night, the over-the-top headband-boy from American Idol (how do I find time to watch all these shows!?) - these things make me mad. But, I was talking about me being happy! Today I am happy about my new playlist on my iPod. I had a big fat hamburger and fries last night, so I have to run run run today. Check out my new playlist that I hope will keep me motivated!!

Get Me Bodied - Beyonce
Dead And Gone - T.I. (featuring Justin Timberlake)
Disturbia - Rihanna
Cyclone - Baby Bash (featuring T-Pain)
Money Honey - Lady GaGa
Move If You Wanna - Mims
Blame It - Jamie Foxx (featuring T-Pain)
Bad Girl - Rihanna (featuring Chris Brown)
It Was A Good Day - Ice Cube
Ring The Alarm - Beyonce
Green Light - John Legend (featuring Andre 3000)
Just Dance - Lady GaGa
The Humpty Dance - Digital Underground
Ego - Beyonce
She Got Her Own - Jamie Foxx (featuring Ne-Yo and Fabolous)

Why does everyone have to "feature" someone to have a hit song... strange.