Little Debbie is no friend of mine, actually she is a frienemy...
For so many years she's been there, like a friend - similing at me with her little red curls and hat on the box cover. But, only an enemy would entice you over and over again with her delicious, not-so-healthy treats (remember the witch who tempted Snow White with that poisonous apple???). She does, however, provide comfort like a friend. When I was in London, Dad would send me care packages and I could always count on a new box of Little Debbies - and they were perfection. So, maybe she's actually the best kind of friend to have... always happy, supportive, able to provide instant gratification and most importantly there to teach you self control and will-power! I love you Little Debbie!
I must say, there's not a Little Debbie snack that I would turn down - from the Zebra Cakes, Fudge Brownies, Swiss Cake Rolls, Star Crunch, Fudge Rounds, Oatmeal Creme Pies... oh lordy this list could go on forever. But, my top two favorites of all time are the Nutty Bars and Peanut Butter Bars. I have to thank my father for beginning the obession at an early age. He would always have an assortment of no fewer than 4 different snack boxes, and he'd always have either Nutty Bars or Peanut Butter Bars (I think they are his favorite too)!
This week, my loving husband did the grocery shopping (which he's been doing for a while now, love you!). And, he's always great with surprises. So, our treat this week has been Nutty Bars!!! He's knows better than to get them all the time, because I'm pretty sure I don't have the self-control or will-power to refrain and say no time and time again. But, I have really enjoyed them - there's only 1 pack left - and love the occasional treat!!

1 comment:
I haven't had a Little Debbie in so long! I absolutely love the Nutty Bars, too. Hmmmm - now that I polished of my bag of oreos, maybe I'll move on to Miss Debbie.
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