Wednesday, August 12, 2009

hump day = bump day (week 25)

OMG, I can't believe I have left you guys without a belly picture for six weeks!! I do apologize. Everything has been going great. I'm still feeling good and keeping up with my workouts. I had a doctor's visit this week and she said I was making it look easy. And, that is certainly my goal! He has been moving around like crazy. The books say that this is when you will feel the baby the most because they have extra room inside to move around. I'm still trying to figure out how this baby is going to grow to full size and there still be room for my organs inside my body. All the organs already feel all smushed up... oh, I have lots to look forward to!

To everyone's disappointment, we still have not selected or revealed any baby names. I promise we will have a name when he gets here. And Jaime, we are considering releasing the initials to you.

I have finally realized that it is time for me to get in gear and get some stuff done. When I realized that we are just 3 1/2 months away my sense of urgency kicked in! So, today I got enrolled in the day care and I plan on ordering the furniture this weekend.

I don't think you will be disappointed, the belly has definitely grown since the last time you saw it! And, I hope to never to leave you hanging again! You'll have to compare this photo to Week 18, I'm wearing the same outfit.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Congratulations Jenn!! You look so darn cute.